Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Video Feedback Loop

This is My first Experiment with Feedback looping. Very simple yet very effective. Im still looking into the possibility's it could have.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Creature in the Sonic Liquid

This effect is created by a water and cornstarch mix and then running Different Sound waves through the speakers. I think this video shows sound waves of about 120Hz.
I love how the shape are continuously changing and evolving. This is defiantly something i want too look into even if i leads somewhere or not.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Sound Experiments : Piezo Glass

Im In the process of making a contact microphone as cheap as possible. I love the endless these little microphones have. (you can attach them to almost anything) This footage shows the final outcome of what i what to achieve. My Experiments with be posted as soon as possible.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Sound experiments: Take One....

I am in the process of creating an interactive sound installation for a Luxury exhibition with Bryn White and Zoe Klinck. These are our first experiments. More images / video will be put up in a few days. 

Monday, 22 November 2010

Mini Lighting Experiments . . .

2nd Sketch Models.

These images are from my 2nd set of sketch models, At roughly 1:25 scale. These large shapes would be attached to one side of a room and have the ability to move within the space. The public or "audience" would be free to move them at will. This would give the piece a constant feel of movement or evolution, even a ephemeral feel. If this was realised i would document each hour/day/week and see how the piece changed with time. Maybe even using time lapse video? My next experiments will look into squares and grids slightly more. Squares might make it slightly easier to stack or build with. . . 

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Sketch Model.

Some images from my first sketch model, effectively just to give a sense of scale and to show how a member of the public / audience could walk around / interact with it. Each point of contact the wire or rope has with the wall or floor can be moved to another location so the Installation is forever changing making it very ephemeral.

Walking through Galaxies Forming Along Filaments, Like Droplets Along th...

Miami Art Museum Installation of Large-Scale Work by Tomás Saraceno

Im still looking into ways the audiences movements, actions / reactions can become a performance within its self. This video by Tomas Saraceno gave me the inspiration to look into grids and strait lines. I really feel this could be a good starting point. Altho it does not yet have context. ( if it in fact needs one?)

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Getting Started.

Im currently looking into Site Specific performances that can or does include audience or the general public. Im finding it hard to find anything that isn't just a form of flash mobbing and has some artist value, rather than just becoming a video on youtube. Altho alot of the "MP3 Experiments" on youtube are giving me some good ideas. rather than having youtube videos or just documenting it by film could i use another media? of just have it as an ephemeral piece?