Sunday, 20 February 2011

Glass Ceiling ?

This image is gave me a really nice idea to make a dangling ceiling from glass that people could walk under and if disturbed would create really beautiful acoustic noises. If the glasses were swapped with bottles they could contain liquids at different levels so the notes were different across the ceiling. This video has given me so much inspiration. I really would love to play with this idea at some point.

Homemade Instruments Part One

This is my first experiment with making a homemade instrument. I found an old CD rack and started to play around with using guitar string, threading it through holes in the rack. Some videos will be up as soon as its tuned and working. The first experiments have been useful. Understanding the noises that can be made through tapping the box or using the strings. The Piezo Transducer Im using for the pick up really gives it a low-fi feel but still sounds really quite acoustic. A  Piezo Transducer is effectively just a buzzer wired backward and costs no more that £1.20 each.  This stepping stone will allow me to play more with the low end technology Im using to see how far i can push it. My next step is to start experimenting with glasses. hanging them close to each other and amplify the noises made.