Thursday, 2 June 2011

GOTTWOOD - Named In top 10 Dance Festivals By Guardian Newspaper.


Boxes Inspire Festival Design

My boxes instalation became my inperation for the gateways at gottwood festival. Taking the simple form of the boxes and how they can become the perfect building material, reliable in strengh.

Boxes Also become housing for the 'GOTTWOOD' Fesival 'Hollywood' style entrance sign. The sign also taking insperation from the idea of framing each letter and then staggering them through out the woodland entrance. Creating an interactive feel for the public when they enter the festival.

UNSOUND / / Part one.

Unsound is a culmination of all my experiments and mini projects throughout 2010/2011. It is in effect a 12ft x 8ft raised floor that when performed or stood on creates a soundscape or atmosphere for the environment. contact microphones pick up reverberations then the frequencies get amplified and delayed. The piece was designed to be a "pop up" piece being build in a around 2 hours, then having a 30 - 60 minuet installation / performance then immediately taken down. This was to heighten its fleeting existence. Hopefully making it slightly more magical for the audience.